Source code for

# Copyright 2016 Osvaldo Santana Neto <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from . import base
from . import exceptions
from .status_map import status

[docs]@status.register class Continue(base.Informational, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 100 message = "Continue" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.2.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class SwitchingProtocols(base.Informational, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 101 message = "Switching Protocols" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.2.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class Processing(base.Informational, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 102 message = "Processing" rfcs = ( ("2518", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class Checkpoint(base.Informational, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 103 message = "Checkpoint" reference = ""
[docs]@status.register class Ok(base.Successful, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 200 message = "OK" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class Created(base.Successful, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 201 message = "Created" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class Accepted(base.Successful, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 202 message = "Accepted" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.3"), )
[docs]@status.register class NonAuthoritativeInformation(base.Successful, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 203 message = "Non-Authoritative Information" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.4"), )
[docs]@status.register class NoContent(base.Successful, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 204 message = "No Content" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.5"), )
[docs]@status.register class ResetContent(base.Successful, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 205 message = "Reset Content" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.3.6"), )
[docs]@status.register class PartialContent(base.Successful, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 206 message = "Partial Content" rfcs = ( ("7233", "4.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class MultiStatus(base.Successful, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 207 message = "Multi-Status" rfcs = ( ("4918", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class AlreadyReported(base.Successful, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 208 message = "Already Reported" rfcs = ( ("5842", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class IMUsed(base.Successful, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 226 message = "IM Used" rfcs = ( ("3229", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class MultipleChoices(base.Redirection, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 300 message = "Multiple Choices" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class MovedPermanently(base.Redirection, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 301 message = "Moved Permanently" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class Found(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 302 message = "Found" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.3"), )
[docs]@status.register class SeeOther(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 303 message = "See Other" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.4"), )
[docs]@status.register class NotModified(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 304 message = "Not Modified" rfcs = ( ("7232", "4.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class UseProxy(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 305 message = "Use Proxy" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.5"), )
[docs]@status.register class SwitchProxy(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 306 message = "Switch Proxy" # Unused rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.6"), ("draft", "1.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class TemporaryRedirect(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 307 message = "Temporary Redirect" rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.4.7"), )
[docs]@status.register class PermanentRedirect(base.Redirection, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 308 message = "Permanent Redirect" rfcs = ( ("7538", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class BadRequest(base.ClientError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 400 message = "Bad Request" exception = exceptions.BadRequestException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class Unauthorized(base.ClientError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 401 message = "Unauthorized" exception = exceptions.UnauthorizedException rfcs = ( ("7235", "3.1"), )
[docs]@status.register class PaymentRequired(base.ClientError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 402 message = "Payment Required" exception = exceptions.PaymentRequiredException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class Forbidden(base.ClientError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 403 message = "Forbidden" exception = exceptions.ForbiddenException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.3"), )
[docs]@status.register class NotFound(base.ClientError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 404 message = "Not Found" exception = exceptions.NotFoundException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.4"), )
[docs]@status.register class MethodNotAllowed(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 405 message = "Method Not Allowed" exception = exceptions.MethodNotAllowedException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.5"), )
[docs]@status.register class NotAcceptable(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 406 message = "Not Acceptable" exception = exceptions.NotAcceptableException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.6"), )
[docs]@status.register class ProxyAuthenticationRequired(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 407 message = "Proxy Authentication Required" exception = exceptions.ProxyAuthenticationRequiredException rfcs = ( ("7235", "3.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class RequestTimeout(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 408 message = "Request Timeout" exception = exceptions.RequestTimeoutException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.7"), )
[docs]@status.register class Conflict(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 409 message = "Conflict" exception = exceptions.ConflictException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.8"), )
[docs]@status.register class Gone(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 410 message = "Gone" exception = exceptions.GoneException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.9"), )
[docs]@status.register class LengthRequired(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 411 message = "Length Required" exception = exceptions.LengthRequiredException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.10"), )
[docs]@status.register class PreconditionFailed(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 412 message = "Precondition Failed" exception = exceptions.PreconditionFailedException rfcs = ( ("7232", "4.2"), ("8144", "3.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class PayloadTooLarge(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 413 message = "Payload Too Large" exception = exceptions.PayloadTooLargeException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.11"), )
[docs]@status.register class URITooLong(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 414 message = "URI Too Long" exception = exceptions.URITooLongException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.12"), )
[docs]@status.register class UnsupportedMediaType(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 415 message = "Unsupported Media Type" exception = exceptions.UnsupportedMediaTypeException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.13"), ("7694", "3"), )
[docs]@status.register class RangeNotSatisfiable(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 416 message = "Range Not Satisfiable" exception = exceptions.RangeNotSatisfiableException rfcs = ( ("7233", "4.4"), )
[docs]@status.register class ExpectationFailed(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 417 message = "Expectation Failed" exception = exceptions.ExpectationFailedException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.14"), )
[docs]@status.register class IAmATeapot(base.ClientError, base.HTCPCP10Mixin): code = 418 message = "I am a teapot" exception = exceptions.IAmATeapotException
[docs]@status.register class MethodFailure(base.ClientError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 420 message = "Method Failure" exception = exceptions.MethodFailureException reference = "Spring Framework"
[docs]@status.register class MisdirectedRequest(base.ClientError, base.HTTP20Mixin): code = 421 message = "Misdirected Request" exception = exceptions.MisdirectedRequestException rfcs = ( ("7540", "9.1.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class UnprocessableEntity(base.ClientError, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 422 message = "Unprocessable Entity" exception = exceptions.UnprocessableEntityException rfcs = ( ("4918", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class Locked(base.ClientError, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 423 message = "Locked" exception = exceptions.LockedException rfcs = ( ("4918", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class FailedDependency(base.ClientError, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 424 message = "Failed Dependency" exception = exceptions.FailedDependencyException rfcs = ( ("4918", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class UpgradeRequired(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 426 message = "Upgrade Required" exception = exceptions.UpgradeRequiredException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.5.15"), )
[docs]@status.register class PreconditionRequired(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 428 message = "Precondition Required" exception = exceptions.PreconditionRequiredException rfcs = ( ("6585", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class TooManyRequests(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 429 message = "Too Many Requests" exception = exceptions.TooManyRequestsException rfcs = ( ("6585", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 431 message = "Request Header Fields Too Large" exception = exceptions.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException rfcs = ( ("6585", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class LoginTimeout(base.ClientError, base.IISMixin): code = 440 message = "Login Timeout" exception = exceptions.LoginTimeoutException
[docs]@status.register class NoResponse(base.ClientError, base.NginxMixin): code = 444 message = "No Response" exception = exceptions.NoResponseException
[docs]@status.register class RetryWith(base.ClientError, base.IISMixin): code = 449 message = "Retry With" exception = exceptions.RetryWithException
[docs]@status.register class BlockedByWindowsParentalControls(base.ClientError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 450 message = "Blocked By Windows Parental Controls" reference = "Microsoft" exception = exceptions.BlockedByWindowsParentalControlsException
[docs]@status.register class UnavailableForLegalReasons(base.ClientError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 451 message = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" exception = exceptions.UnavailableForLegalReasonsException rfcs = ( ("7725", ""), )
[docs]class Redirect(base.ClientError, base.IISMixin): code = 451 message = "Redirect" exception = exceptions.BadGatewayException
[docs]@status.register class SSLCertificateError(base.ClientError, base.NginxMixin): code = 495 message = "SSL Certificate Error" exception = exceptions.SSLCertificateErrorException
[docs]@status.register class SSLCertificateRequired(base.ClientError, base.NginxMixin): code = 496 message = "SSL Certificate Required" exception = exceptions.SSLCertificateRequiredException
[docs]@status.register class HTTPRequestSentToHTTPSPort(base.ClientError, base.NginxMixin): code = 497 message = "HTTP Request Sent To HTTPS Port" exception = exceptions.HTTPRequestSentToHTTPSPortException
[docs]@status.register class InvalidToken(base.ClientError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 498 message = "Invalid Token" reference = "ArcGIS for Server" exception = exceptions.InvalidTokenException
[docs]@status.register class ClientClosedRequest(base.ClientError, base.NginxMixin): code = 499 message = "Client Closed Request" exception = exceptions.ClientClosedRequestException
[docs]class RequestHasBeenForbiddenByAntivirus(base.ClientError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 499 message = "Request Has Been Forbidden By Antivirus" reference = "" exception = exceptions.RequestHasBeenForbiddenByAntivirusException
[docs]class TokenRequired(base.ClientError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 499 message = "Token Required" reference = "ArcGIS for Server" exception = exceptions.TokenRequiredException
[docs]@status.register class InternalServerError(base.ServerError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 500 message = "Internal Server Error" exception = exceptions.InternalServerErrorException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.1"), )
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs]@status.register class NotImplemented(base.ServerError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 501 message = "Not Implemented" exception = exceptions.NotImplementedException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.2"), )
[docs]@status.register class BadGateway(base.ServerError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 502 message = "Bad Gateway" exception = exceptions.BadGatewayException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.3"), )
[docs]@status.register class ServiceUnavailable(base.ServerError, base.HTTP10Mixin): code = 503 message = "Service Unavailable" exception = exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.4"), )
[docs]@status.register class GatewayTimeout(base.ServerError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 504 message = "Gateway Timeout" exception = exceptions.GatewayTimeoutException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.5"), )
[docs]@status.register class HTTPVersionNotSupported(base.ServerError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 505 message = "HTTP Version Not Supported" exception = exceptions.HTTPVersionNotSupportedException rfcs = ( ("7231", "6.6.6"), )
[docs]@status.register class VariantAlsoNegotiates(base.ServerError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 506 message = "Variant Also Negotiates" exception = exceptions.VariantAlsoNegotiatesException rfcs = ( ("2295", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class InsufficientStorage(base.ServerError, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 507 message = "Insufficient Storage" exception = exceptions.InsufficientStorageException rfcs = ( ("4918", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class LoopDetected(base.ServerError, base.WebDAVMixin): code = 508 message = "Loop Detected" exception = exceptions.LoopDetectedException rfcs = ( ("5842", ""), )
[docs]class BandwidthLimitExceeded(base.ServerError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 509 message = "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" reference = "Apache Web Server/cPanel" exception = exceptions.BandwidthLimitExceededException
[docs]@status.register class NotExtended(base.ServerError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 510 message = "Not Extended" exception = exceptions.NotExtendedException rfcs = ( ("2774", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class NetworkAuthenticationRequired(base.ServerError, base.HTTP11Mixin): code = 511 message = "Network Authentication Required" exception = exceptions.NetworkAuthenticationRequiredException rfcs = ( ("6585", ""), )
[docs]@status.register class UnknownError(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 520 message = "Unknown Error" exception = exceptions.UnknownErrorException
[docs]@status.register class WebServerIsDown(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 521 message = "Web Server Is Down" exception = exceptions.WebServerIsDownException
[docs]@status.register class ConnectionTimedOut(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 522 message = "Connection Timed Out" exception = exceptions.ConnectionTimedOutException
[docs]@status.register class OriginIsUnreachable(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 523 message = "Origin Is Unreachable" exception = exceptions.OriginIsUnreachableException
[docs]@status.register class ATimeoutOccurred(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 524 message = "A Timeout Occurred" exception = exceptions.ATimeoutOccurredException
[docs]@status.register class SSLHandshakeFailed(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 525 message = "SSL Handshake Failed" exception = exceptions.SSLHandshakeFailedException
[docs]@status.register class InvalidSSLCertificate(base.ServerError, base.CloudflareMixin): code = 526 message = "Invalid SSL Certificate" exception = exceptions.InvalidSSLCertificateException
[docs]@status.register class SiteIsFrozen(base.ServerError, base.UnofficialMixin): code = 530 message = "Site Is Frozen" reference = "Pantheon" exception = exceptions.SiteIsFrozenException